1.8.d.1 BGP Convergence

1.8.h.4 BGP Transit Policy


2.2.a.1 Scale

1.1.d.1 splash

1.1.d.2 Working with IPv4 Addresses

1.1.d.1 splash

1.1.d.3 IPv4 Skip Sheet

The PDF attached provides a skip chart and simple instructions for working with IPv4 addresses. 1.1.d.3-IPv4-skips

1.8 splash

1.8.c.3 BGP Route Reflector Lab

Instructions Files


1.15.b.2 The Clos Fabric


1.10.a The Default Free Zone

1.1.d.1 splash

1.1.d.1 Network Addresses

1.8.d.1 BGP Convergence

1.8.h.3 BGP Policy Entrance Selection


3.5.b Interview Rubric Sample

One of the biggest problems in the interview process is the lack of clear-cut goals. Most interviewers begin the process with a broad idea of what they are looking for. It is much easier to compare candidates, and to conduct an effective interview, if the interviewer has a more precise idea of what they are…